Peter Dutton
Leader of the Opposition
Leader of the Opposition
Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Minister for Women, Shadow Minister for Industry, Skills and Training, Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business, Member for Farrer
Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Shadow Attorney-General, Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Senator for Western Australia
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care, Shadow Minister for Sport, Senator for South Australia
Candidate for Cowan
Candidate for Monash
Candidate for Chisholm
Member for McPherson
Candidate for Paterson
Senator for South Australia
Member for Bass
Senator for Tasmania
Candidate for Burt
Candidate for Mayo
Candidate for Solomon
Candidate for Maribyrnong
Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education, Shadow Minister for Youth, Member for Moncrieff
Senator for South Australia
Candidate for Lyons
Shadow Assistant Minister for Home Ownership, Senator for New South Wales