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Budget in Reply

To Australians listening tonight, thank you very much for your time. Soon, you will have a say in determining the future of our great country. We live, literally, in the best country in the world. We’re the beneficiaries of what our forebears have built and defended. We love this country because it has forged us Read More >

Labor heads to election with new Small Business tax increase

The Australian Labor Party has cemented its status as the enemy of small business by axing the Instant Asset Write Off, increasing taxes on small business. This is bad economic policy and will hit small business cash flow by tens of thousands of dollars. It also means Anthony Albanese and Jim Chalmers will go to Read More >

A budget for the next five weeks, not the next five years

This is a Budget for the next five weeks, not the next five years. This is a Budget for an election, not one for our country’s future prosperity. At a time when living standards have suffered the biggest collapse on record and when the security environment is the most dangerous since the Second World War, Read More >

Coalition to Fast Track North West Shelf Approval, Introduce National Interest Test to Approvals and Limit Activist Ability to Stall Projects

An elected Dutton Coalition Government would prioritise Western Australian jobs and the delivery of energy security for the state by directing the Federal environment department to fast track their assessment of the North West Shelf gas extension.  Leader of the Opposition, the Hon Peter Dutton MP said that this commitment would bring back investor certainty Read More >

Coalition Commitment to Rebuild Adass Israel Synagogue

An elected Dutton Coalition Government will provide up to $35 million to support the rebuilding of the Adass Israel Synagogue community centre following the horrific arson attack in December 2024.  These funds will allow the Adass Israel Synagogue to build back stronger than ever, with upgraded security to prevent an incident like this ever happening Read More >

Strong Action to Stamp out Organised Crime in the Construction Industry

The latest disturbing revelations about the CFMEU’s links with organised crime confirm that urgent action is required to confront this militant and corrupt organisation head-on.  The CFMEU’s behaviour is driving up the cost of residential and commercial housing in Australia.   Bikies are perpetrating domestic violence on jobsites for taxpayer-funded projects. Cars are being torched Read More >

Cash-Ruston – JMR – 2024-25 Senate Additional Estimates Wrap Up

Albanese Government’s weakness, economic incompetence and lack of transparency exposed The weakness, hypocrisy, economic incompetence and lack of transparency of the Albanese Labor Government has been starkly exposed during what is expected to be the final Senate estimates hearings before the 2025 Federal election. Coalition Senators highlighted numerous examples of bad Government decisions and wrong priorities Read More >

The Coalition Supports Australians’ Access to Urgent Bulk Billed Primary Care

The Coalition supports Australians getting improved access to bulk billed urgent healthcare through Urgent Care Clinics. ⁠It has never been harder or more expensive to see a doctor than right now under the Albanese Labor Government. GP bulk billing rose consistently under the Coalition’s time in government to more than 88%. Under Labor, it has Read More >

Increase in F-35A Capability for the Royal Australian Air Force

An elected Dutton Coalition Government will reinstate the acquisition of the fourth F-35A Lightning II squadron which Labor cancelled in their 2024-25 Budget. The Coalition’s acquisition of the additional fourth F-35A squadron will bolster the Royal Australian Air Force’s strike and air combat capability, adding some 28 aircraft to the current fleet of 72, reaching Read More >

The Coalition will invest $9 Billion into Medicare

An elected Dutton Coalition Government will invest an historic $9 billion into Medicare to fix Labor’s healthcare crisis and ensure all Australians have timely and affordable access to a doctor.    Under Labor’s bulk billing crisis, it has never been harder and more expensive to see a doctor. Australians are now paying 45 per cent Read More >

Changes to the Coalition Shadow Ministry

I am pleased to announce the following changes to the Coalition’s Shadow Ministry.  The Hon. David Coleman MP will take on the role of Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs. David has made an outstanding policy contribution as our Shadow Minister for Communications and he has the intellect, temperament, and vision, to take on this important Read More >

Real consequences for perpetrators of anti-Semitism

Today, the Coalition has announced new action to combat rising anti-Semitism. Where the Albanese Government has shown weakness and failed to combat extremism, a Dutton Coalition Government will show strength and act.  The firebombing of cars and targeting of homes in Sydney last week follows the horrific attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue in Melbourne Read More >

Address to the Coalition Campaign Rally, Keperra, Queensland

Friends, thank you very much. Thank you.  Well, it’s great to be here at the Arana Hills Leagues Club.  I remember a sporting lunch here only a couple of years ago. It was a pretty messy affair. I think Wally Lewis may have been in attendance and that’s probably all I can tell you of Read More >

Tax Deduction to Deliver Red Tape Relief for Small Business

A Dutton Coalition Government will cut red tape for small businesses by introducing a capped tax deduction of $20,000 for business-related meal and entertainment expenses.    Small businesses with a turnover of up to $10 million will be eligible and alcohol will be excluded from the policy.   The measure will run for an initial Read More >

Coalition Commits $7.5 Million to Boost Crime Stoppers

A Dutton Coalition Government will provide $7.5 million over three years in additional funding to Crime Stoppers.  This funding commitment will enable Crime Stoppers to expand its operations and protect more Australians from the devastating impact of crime in local communities.  The Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Peter Dutton, said “Crime Stoppers is an Read More >

Address to the Coalition Campaign Rally, Mount Waverley

Friends, it’s great to be back in Victoria.  I’ll repeat what I’ve said before – the Liberal Party, at a state and federal level, is back in town!  To our incredible members, volunteers, candidates, and state and federal MPs – I thank you all for your energy and commitment.  To my wonderful deputy, Sussan Ley Read More >

Coalition Launches Health Facts Webpage to Combat Labor’s Desperate Lies

Today, the Coalition has launched a new webpage – Health Facts – to combat Labor’s desperate lies on health. It has become clear that a desperate Albanese Labor Government is attempting to reheat their disgraced Mediscare campaign in an attempt to distract from their failures. We are setting the record straight. While Labor is focused Read More >

Australians cannot afford three more years of Labor

Today’s budget update has shown the enormous cost of another three years of Labor. Australians are suffering through the worst collapse in living standards on record and we’ve had 7 consecutive quarters of a family recession. There is nothing in this budget update that will restore what has been lost under Labor. There is no Read More >

Statement from Tony Abbott – the Hon Kevin Andrews

Kevin Andrews was a fine Australian, a highly effective minister, a loyal colleague, and a great friend.As social services minister in the Abbott government, he brought-under-control exploding numbers on the disability support pension and implemented a private sector-work experience version of work for the dole. As defence minister, he supervised our armed forces training mission Read More >

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