Australians are enduring one of the worst cost of living crises in recent memory, but that hasn’t stopped Government Services Minister Bill Shorten and his department spending more than $40,000 of taxpayers’ money on an extravagant event for senior bureaucrats at a five star hotel.

Documents obtained by the Opposition reveal that Services Australia’s one day Senior Executive Service Leadership Forum, attended by Bill Shorten, and held at Canberra’s upscale Hyatt Hotel in April, cost taxpayers $40,947.36.

Shadow Minister for Government Services Paul Fletcher said the revelation is shocking and shows that Bill Shorten and his department are out of touch.

“Families are struggling to pay bills and put food on the table and will rightly be shocked that Bill Shorten and his senior public servants are indulging themselves with this lavish offsite event, enjoying banana cake and roast lamb,” Mr Fletcher said.

“Services Australia, which has responsibility for Centrelink, should be making life easier for Australians. But instead, this crucial agency has consistently presided over skyrocketing call wait times and unacceptably high payment processing times.

“Bill Shorten needs to get back to basics by improving Services Australia’s performance.

“This means prioritising customer service and stop wasting money on pointless events. Australians deserve better.

“This cash splash comes as no surprise since the Minister benefits from a $620,000 personal speechwriter.”