The Albanese Labor Government has continued its record of hypocrisy in appointing Labor mates to Government Boards.

Today’s announcement that failed former Labor Premier Anastasia Palaszczuk would be appointed to the board of Australia Post is treating Australians like mugs.

Ms Palaszczuk might be famous for willing to attend the opening of an envelope, but she has now been appointed to oversee a service millions of Australians rely on to deliver their packages and letters.

Having her own colleagues disown her in Queensland, the Albanese Labor Government has rewarded Ms Palaszczuk’s terrible performance with a board role at the taxpayers’ expense.

Given Ms Palaszczuk led a government that was more focused on itself than it was focused on dealing with the cost of the living crisis, the housing crisis, and the crime crisis that are facing Queenslanders, can Australians expect the same level of service at Australia Post?

In Opposition, Michelle Rowland said ‘Australia Post is a respected national service that should not be dragged into the mud by political appointments.’ Her actions speak louder than her words.

“This is just rank hypocrisy, writ-large, made worse by the fact that the Albanese Government has appointed a failed and unpopular former Queensland Premier,” Shadow Minister for Communications David Coleman said.

“Australia Post is going through a significant reform process in an era of change and the last thing the board needs is for the Government to appoint one of its Labor mates whose poor record in public administration speaks for itself.”

The Government has waited until Friday to slip this announcement out to avoid the scrutiny of a parliamentary sitting week.

Shadow Minister for Finance, Senator the Hon Jane Hume said that this is yet another example of Labor’s jobs for mates hypocrisy.

“When Minister Gallagher announced her review into public sector board appointments back in February 2023, she said it was “all about putting an end to the jobs for mates culture”.

“Yet this review was provided to the Government over a year ago, and it still has not been published.

“If the Albanese Government was really committed to transparency, Minister Gallagher would release the review and explain why she has sat on it for over a year.”